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What are signs of hearing loss?

  • Your child has difficulty following what is taught at school.

  • You sometimes have the impression that your child does not understand you properly.

  • Your child often asks questions when you say something.

  • Your child speaks slurred and worse than children of the same age.

  • Other people don't understand your child.

These communication problems can be caused by disorders of hearing itself, but also by disorders of perception and processing. These, in turn, can have a wide variety of causes.

Children's hearing loss can be caused by diseases of the outer, middle or inner ear or the auditory nerve. In order to find out the cause of the hearing impairment, we use all modern examination methods. Treatment then depends on the cause.

Children learn to speak in different stages of development of the brain, which take place one after the other. Once a phase has been completed, its goal can only be achieved with great difficulty and only partially. Early treatment of hearing loss therefore enables normal speech development and thus prevents difficulties at school. In this way, it is often possible to improve school performance. Studies of school children with below-average achievements have shown that these children had middle ear infections more frequently as small children than their classmates.


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