When do I have to see an ENT specialist with my hoarseness?
Basically, any hoarseness that lasts longer than three weeks must be clarified by an ENT doctor. If you also experience pain, you should not hesitate and make an appointment.
What causes hoarseness?
The most common form of voice disorder is certainly hoarseness due to an acute viral infection of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Here the mucous membrane of the larynx is red and swollen, which is why we cannot produce clear sounds.
Other triggers for hoarseness are changes in the larynx, especially the vocal folds. Chronic inflammation, nodules, benign neoplasms or water retention can be found here, which make the voice hoarse. Hoarseness is much less common due to congenital malformations, after accidents or operations. Malignant tumors occur primarily in smokers and passive smokers. The aforementioned voice disorders are referred to as organically conditioned.
Another common form of voice disorders are disorders of the function of the vocal folds. In these cases there is no pathological change in the mucous membranes of the larynx and the vocal folds. Nevertheless, the vibrations of the vocal folds and the closing behavior of the vocal folds are changed.
These voice disorders, which are described as functional, are particularly common in professional speakers such as teachers, educators, call center employees, etc. The cause lies in the incorrect use of the voice. The symptoms are intensified by environmental stimuli such as dry air, dust pollution and a noisy environment. Another factor is mood. It is no coincidence that voice and mood have the same root. We also communicate joy, sadness, fear and all other emotional states with our voice, which is why they also have an influence on our voice formation. The phrase "I was speechless!" refers to the acute psychologically induced voicelessness, in which the person concerned has actually lost his voice.
Why doesn't my son develop a male voice during puberty?
During puberty, the larynx grows in both sexes. The vocal folds become longer and after the so-called voice break, the young men develop a significantly deeper voice. The tone of the voice also usually changes in young women. The adult female voice sounds deeper than that of a child. This development can be disturbed. Although the larynx enlarges with age, the sound of the voice does not change. The voice sounds very high like a child, the vocal range is severely limited, and the voice becomes hoarse, harsh and strained with prolonged use. Overall, the voice is not very resilient. Analogous to this, one sometimes observes that women cling to a childlike voice. Such a voice disorder can persist well into adulthood and is one of the psychogenic voice disorders.
How can voice disorders be prevented?
Functional voice disorders can be prevented by voice hygiene measures. These include, among other things, an adequate supply of liquids, a good indoor climate, avoiding allergenic and harmful substances and absolutely abstaining from active or passive smoking. People in occupations with a high vocal strain can learn preventive voice exercises in order to use their voice powerfully and gently at the same time. This is to maintain employability and cannot be overemphasized. Unfortunately, there is no mandatory aptitude test prior to starting a relevant apprenticeship or degree, so we are often only consulted when problems arise in everyday work life. It makes sense for everyone who has to speak a lot for work to have their voice examined and learn the appropriate exercises.
What help does speech therapy offer?
Speech therapists treat people with functional and organic voice disorders. Patients receive a doctor's prescription for this. Part of the treatment is the comprehensive analysis of the previous course of the disease, breathing, speaking and singing. Contents of a voice therapy are exercises to improve perception, breathing, posture, body tension and the articulation associated with the voice as well as targeted voice exercises. The aim of voice therapy is a resilient voice in order to achieve good communication skills in everyday life. Each patient first practices with the speech therapist in the therapeutic session in order to then apply what they have learned in everyday life.
What voice disorders are there?
Other forms of voice disorders can have a psychogenic or hormonal cause. A special form is the isolated disturbance of the singing voice in a normal speaking voice. In this so-called dysody, performance and sound quality are restricted due to an unfavorable singing technique and/or excessive demands. In the case of disturbances in the sound of the voice, a distinction is made between closed and open nasal. Again, there are organic and functional causes of nasal congestion. There are numerous other voice disorders, the description of which, however, goes beyond the scope of a homepage.