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What is hearing loss?

Hearing loss is defined as a sudden, mostly unilateral hearing loss for which there is no identifiable cause. A sudden hearing loss is often accompanied by a hearing noise or dizziness. This is a medical emergency, but no longer an emergency.

How is hearing loss treated?

The previously common treatment with infusions containing drugs that stimulate circulation and cortisone is no longer recommended. The reason is that there is still no meaningful study that has clearly demonstrated a benefit for those affected. Every second sudden hearing loss improves within 48 hours. This has led to the “successes” that were often observed in the past. Only for cortisone there is evidence that it has a positive influence beyond this spontaneous healing rate. Recently there have been attempts to indirectly reach the inner ear with cortisone injections into the middle ear. However, this is an experimental therapy that is offered as an individual healing attempt. Conclusive studies on this are still lacking.

Suddenly I can't hear in one ear! Is that a hearing loss?

This question cannot be answered without an investigation. It is often harmless causes such as blocked earwax that lead to sudden hearing loss. There is no way around a visit to an ENT specialist with a sudden hearing loss. In such cases, please call us before you come to the practice. Our staff will tell you the times of our emergency consultation hours. We will try to examine you no later than the next day.


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