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What forms of snoring are there?

Harmless snoring is caused by a relaxation of the muscles in the throat area and the soft palate during sleep. The flow of air causes the soft tissues of the throat to vibrate. Snoring noises become audible. Sometimes there is also an obstruction in nasal breathing, so that breathing has to be done through the mouth, which promotes snoring.

Obstructive snoring (from obstruction, med. for closure) describes the condition in which there is already a pathological drop in the oxygen content in the blood.

What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea (apnoia means calm in Greek) means that breathing stops repeatedly during sleep. More than five respiratory arrests per hour that last more than 10 seconds are considered pathological. Breathing only starts again when the brain interrupts the restful deep sleep phase and thus activates breathing again. This leads to a reduction in sleep quality and a release of stress hormones. As a result, sleep is no longer restful and those affected no longer get enough sleep in the morning.

What are the typical symptoms of sleep apnea?

Patients with sleep apnea often suffer from tiredness/drowsiness during the day, restless sleep, heavy night sweats, dry mouth, nocturnal awakening with shortness of breath, erectile dysfunction, difficulty concentrating, depression and personality changes.

Can children also suffer from sleep apnea?

Babies who snore can also have sleep apnea. Visit your child at night and observe their breathing for 5 to 10 minutes. If you snore or even stop breathing, you should consult an ENT specialist!

What are the consequences of sleep apnea?

Initially, there are high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias and nocturnal heart tightness. After years, heart attacks and strokes occur more frequently. Two out of three people with sleep apnea will have a heart attack or stroke within 10 years. Those affected often report work and family problems (reduced productivity) and a depressive mood. Dangerous is the increased risk of accidents caused by microsleep while driving

How is sleep apnea diagnosed?

We will clarify whether you belong to the group of people at risk by means of an in-depth survey and detailed examinations. Our diagnostic procedures include:

  • Endoscopy (examination of the nose with rigid and flexible endoscopes)

  • Measurement of respiratory flow through the nose (rhinomanometry)

  • allergy testing

  • Outpatient snoring screening (sleep laboratory)

  • questionnaires

  • Checking for constrictions in the throat under endoscopic control (Müller-Emarch manoeuvre)

How is sleep apnea treated?

Treatment for adults depends on the severity of the disease. Possible therapeutic approaches are:

  • Progressive Splint: Worn at night, this splint pushes the lower jaw forward. It tightens the tissue in the throat and can improve or eliminate snoring and, in some cases, respiratory arrest. Reimbursement by the health insurance company is only possible upon application, if at all. For this we have to provide the insurance company with proof of successful therapy for sleep apnea.

  • Prevention of sleeping on the back by special belts.

  • Improvement of nasal breathing, partial coverage by statutory health insurance, other operations with e.g. For example, radio frequency therapy (Celon®) on the nasal conchae is usually not reimbursed.

  • tightening operations on the soft palate, e.g. B. with the laser (laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty).

  • nCPAP (nasal continuous positive airway pressure): During night-time positive pressure ventilation, the pharynx is kept open by the increased pressure. The narrowing of the pharynx can thus be effectively prevented. This requires the device to be examined and adjusted in a sleep laboratory.

  • In children, an operation on the pharyngeal and/or palatine tonsils is usually unavoidable. Of course, an allergy can also clog the nose of children and lead to snoring. We also carry out tests for allergies in children if there is a suspicion.

Well taken care of

I will discuss with you which treatment promises the greatest success for you or your child.


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